This page last changed on Jan 27, 2014 by mbabik.

The document describes the critical metrics that are currently used for the generation of the WLCG reports. Draft reports for the new joint T1/T2 reporting are based on the listed metrics and can be found in the SAM document repository ( Metrics are grouped into profiles for each experiment and are executed from the CERN experiment Nagioses using experiment credentials.


Metric name Description
(or emi.cream.CREAMCE-DirectJobSubmit)
Basic direct job submission test to CREAMCE
(or emi.ce.CREAMCE-JobSubmit)
Basic job submission test to computing element executed with a payload (worker node tests)
org.sam.WN-SoftVer Detects the version of midlleware installed on the WN.


Metric name Description
(or emi.ce.CREAMCE-JobSubmit)
Basic job submission test to computing element executed with a payload (worker node tests)
org.atlas.WN-swspace Checks existence and sanity of VO_ATLAS_SW_DIR environment variable
org.atlas.SRM-VODel Delete given file(s) from SRM.
org.atlas.SRM-VOGet Copy given remote file(s) from SRM to a local file.
org.atlas.SRM-VOPut Copy a local file to the SRM into default space area(s).

CMS * (Profile: CMS_CRITICAL, SAM/Nagios:

Metric name Description
(or emi.ce.CREAMCE-JobSubmit)
Basic job submission test to computing element executed with a payload (worker node tests)
(or emi.cream.CREAMCE-DirectJobSubmit)
Basic direct job submission test to CREAMCE
org.cms.WN-env Verify basic WN setup, CMS-independent and print some useful information
org.cms.glexec.WN-gLExec ** Run a bare glexec test and verify that the uid/gid is changed
org.cms.SRM-VOGet Copy given remote file(s) from SRM to a local file.
org.cms.SRM-VOPut Copy a local file to the SRM into default space area(s).
org.cms.SRM-GetPFNFromTFC Use Trivial File Catalogue to perform LFN to PFN matching

* Full documentation for all CMS metrics is available at
** CRITICAL errors are downgraded to WARNING until WLCG MB and CMS decide that a glexec failure should make the site to be considered unavailable.

LHCb (Profile: LHCB_CRITICAL, SAM/Nagios:

Metric name Description
(or emi.ce.CREAMCE-JobSubmit)
Basic job submission test to computing element executed with a payload (worker node tests)
(or emi.cream.CREAMCE-DirectJobSubmit)
Basic direct job submission test to CREAMCE
org.lhcb.WN-sft-brokerinfo Check if BrokerInfo works.
org.lhcb.WN-sft-csh Check if CSH works.
org.lhcb.WN-sft-lcg-rm-gfal Check if $LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS variable is set
org.lhcb.WN-sft-vo-swdir Check existence and sanity of VO_LHCB_SW_DIR environment variable
org.lhcb.WN-sft-voms Check VOMS proxy extensions
org.lhcb.LFC-Ping Ping LFC service (service level ping).
org.lhcb.LFC-Read Test if an entry in the catalog can be read.
org.lhcb.LFC-Readdir Time how long it takes to read a directory (/grid).
org.lhcb.LFC-Replicate Tests oracle replication and will be removed as it's not needed anymore
org.lhcb.SRM-GetLHCbInfo Retrieve the SRM endpoint information from Dirac
org.lhcb.SRM-VODel Delete given file(s) from SRM.
org.lhcb.SRM-VOGet Copy given remote file(s) from SRM to a local file.
org.lhcb.SRM-VOPut Copy a local file to the SRM into default space area(s).
org.lhcb.SRM-VOLs List the previously copied file in SRM
org.lhcb.SRM-VOLsDir List the top level directories of the SRM areas
Document generated by Confluence on Feb 27, 2014 10:19